
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Do you trust on the results given by antibodies?

Take a look at the picture below. They are immunohistochemistry experiments in which three antibodies (green) are directed towards the same mitochondrial protein. Each picture represents one of the three antibodies. The unexpected pattern on the picture to the right shows that the third antibody binds an unintended protein. Clearly! But how can this happen? How can a commercially available antibody not only NOT bind to its supposed target but bind to an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT one?

The saddest lab meeting

An antibody that performs differently across experiments can cause calamity. Examples are endless and one of them is the case of David Rimm a pathologist at Yale University in New Haven, USA.

In 2006, things were looking pretty good for David, he had developed a test to guide effective treatment of the skin cancer melanoma and it promised to save lives. He had found a combination of antibodies that, when used to ‘stain’ tumor biopsies, produced a pattern that indicated whether the patient would need to take certain harsh drugs to prevent a relapse after surgery. He had secured more than US$2 million in funding to move the test towards the clinic. But in 2009, everything started to fall apart. When he ordered a fresh set of antibodies, his team could not reproduce the original results. The antibodies were sold by the same companies as the original batches and were supposed to be identical — but they did not yield the same staining patterns, even on the same tumors. Rimm was forced to give up his work on the melanoma antibody set. In his own words, “That was a very sad lab meeting” (1).

There are signs that problems with antibodies are having broad and potentially devastating effects on the research record and I’m pretty sure that almost every scientist that has worked with antibodies has had some kind of ‘issue’ with them, but it has been difficult to gauge the size of the problem across biology as a whole.

Ugly statistics

The Human Protein Atlas, a Swedish consortium that aims to generate antibodies for every protein in the human genome, has looked at some 20,000 commercial antibodies so far and found that less than 50% can be used effectively to look at protein distribution in preserved slices of tissue (2), in other words, up to half of all commercially available antibodies are unreliable for that. Now that’s a shocking number.

Some other ugly numbers come from epigenetics. And I can tell you from the inside that this field relies heavily on antibodies, that’s a fact. In 2011, an evaluation of 246 antibodies used in epigenetic studies found that 25% failed tests for specificity, meaning that they often bound to more than one target (3). Four antibodies were perfectly specific — but to the wrong target!!!!!!!!!

In 2012, a group of Amgen researchers attempted to reproduce the results of 53 “landmark” cancer papers; only 6 had scientific findings that could be replicated (4). In several instances, the analysis found that failure to reproduce experimental data could be attributed to antibodies that were nonspecific or poorly validated. This lack of reproducibility can also spill over into ineffective diagnostics that delay clinical research.

Who’s to blame?

Should we blame it on antibodies? Of course not. We are not talking about good and bad antibodies, but antibodies that work in specific assays and specific context. Then, should we blame it on the bossanova or what? Who is responsible for such despair results? I would dare to say that companies that produce antibodies are the main responsibles, but buyers and people that handle them play a good part in that too. I’ll dig into this:

Antibodies are ubiquitous tools in the life sciences with a market for research antibodies at US$2.5 billion a year (ironically, losses from purchasing poorly characterized antibodies have been estimated at $800 million per year, not counting the impact of false conclusions, uninterpretable or misinterpreted experiments, wasted patient samples and fruitless research time). But besides being a good business, no big efforts have been done to characterize them at least until this whole antibody worldwide rebellion against antibodies started. There are no uniform or enforceable standards for antibody validation. Unlike drugs, there is no agency governing what can be sold into the antibody-based assay market. 

Most scientists who purchase antibodies believe the label printed on the vial. But believe it or not, we were buying non-validated antibodies all the way. Take the example of Ioannis Prassas, a proteomics researcher at Mount Sinai Hospital in Canada. He and his colleagues had been chasing a protein called CUZD1, which they thought could be used to test whether someone has pancreatic cancer. They bought a protein-detection kit and wasted two years, $500,000 and thousands of patient samples before they realized that the antibody in the kit was recognizing a different cancer protein, CA125, and did not bind to CUZD1 at all (5). Unbelievable!

So YES, scientists need to be more carefull. Be sure of what you have between your hands and what it has been made for. Antibodies are not magic reagents. You can't just throw them on your sample and expect a result, when for example many companies explicitly states the types of experiment that an antibody should be used for. An antibody might work great in western blots but not at all in immunohistochemistry. Of course many scientists do not always follow the instructions.

Hopes for a change

A few scientists have begun to speak up. David Rimm's disappointment set him on a crusade to educate others by writing reviews, hosting web seminars and raising the problem in countless conference talks. He and others are calling for the creation of standards by which antibodies should be made, used and described.
In September 2015, the International Working Group on Antibody Validation, a group of leading authorities in the field of protein-binding technology, had its first meeting in Canada. The goal: to develop common validation standards for antibodies. That same month, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) hosted roundtables to explore problems with antibodies. It expects to issue recommendations early this year.

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) is also on the case. They recently (Jan 2016) included a new section in grant applications, which describes efforts to authenticate antibodies and other key resources required for experiments. Far-reaching solutions are likely to be hammered out at a meeting hosted by the Global Biological Standards Institute next September in California, USA.

Want to get info of a specific antibody? Check the web!

In the past decade, various projects have sprung up to try to make information about antibodies easier to find. The online reagents portal Antibodypedia (, which is maintained by the Human Protein Atlas, has catalogued more than 1.8 million antibodies and rated the validation data available for various experimental techniques. Antibodies-online (, another portal, set up a programme two years ago for independent labs to do validation studies, generally at the vendors' expense. But out of 275 studies, less than half of the products tested have made the cut and earned an 'independent validation' badge. The non-profit Antibody Registry ( assigns unique identifiers to antibodies and links them to other resources. Another project, pAbmAbs (, operates in a similar way to the social-recommendation web service Yelp, by encouraging people to review antibodies.

Antibody validation is now a competitive advantage in the market

The antibody market has grown so much that a reputation for quality is becoming part of some suppliers’ business plans, which is great news for us buyers. Several vendors have announced their own characterization efforts, and some examples are:

1. Abcam is using a genome editing method called CRISPR–Cas9, which makes precise changes in DNA. The company is testing antibodies on human cell lines in which target genes have been disrupted by CRISPR–Cas9 and then posting results for each reagent tested.

2. Bio-Rad launched a line of antibodies that have been tested for off-target activity in western blots against 12 different cell lines.

3. Proteintech has been using small interfering RNA to knock down gene expression in each new antibody product — assessing whether the signal subsides with the expression of the target gene.

4. Abgent tested all of its antibodies about a year ago. After reviewing the results it discarded about one-third of its catalogue.

Such efforts are nascent, however, with only a tiny fraction of companies' catalogues being subjected to validation. Besides, not all companies disclose the specific conditions of testing, or whether an antibody has performed poorly under those conditions.

How should I validate my set of antibodies?

For the moment, having an unregulated market, the validation process relies on researchers itself (although several companies for this purpose have emerged). Classic techniques, for a ‘in the lab’ validation, include western blot (WB), immunoprecipitation (IP), siRNA, Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Immunofluorescence (IF). Rimm’s lab has even created an algorithm for antibody validation, which is shown below which can help many people. But the process is time consuming — Rimm recommends control experiments that involve engineering cell lines to both express and stop expressing the protein of interest, for example. Even he acknowledges that few labs will perform all the steps.

Anyway, antibodies should be evaluated and the ways and the extent of how this should be done are still open questions for discussions. Evaluation categories might include:

1.    Knockdown and knockout approaches to reveal whether an antibody still binds even in the absence of the target protein.
2.    Tagging a target protein with a fluorescent marker to reveal whether the antibody also binds untagged proteins.
3.     Compare a new antibody with a well-characterized one.
4.   Running the antibody and whatever it binds through a mass spectrometer to analyze bound molecules for the expected protein fragments.
5.  Performing biophysical analysis for affinity determination and binding kinetics by Microscale Thermophoresis (MST) and/or Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR).

What other alternatives could we try for validating antibodies? How can we push companies to do what they should be doing? How can you help this antibody revolution to go bigger and fruitful?

I leave this questions open and encourage everyone to keep talking about this so we can make a change, to take good care of your research by paying attention to the antibodies you buy and use, to share detailed data on the antibodies you use and how/where it was used in a non-anonymously way and to put some critical thinking to your experiments and controls.

“The toughest challenge is not so much in antibody characterization but in persuading cell biologists to hold back on using antibodies until these are thoroughly evaluated”
Aled Edwards, University of Toronto, Canada.

1.    Nature 521, 274–276 (21 May 2015) doi:10.1038/521274a
2.    Berglund, L. et alMol. Cell. Proteom. 7, 2019–2027 (2008)
3.    Egelhofer, T. A. et alNature Struct. Mol. Biol. 18, 91–93 (2011)
4.    Nature 483, 531–533 (29 March 2012) doi:10.1038/483531a
5.    Prassas, I. & Diamandis, E. P. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med. 52, 765–766 (2014)

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