“Men adjust their
walking speed to match their romantic (female) partner's pace — a phenomenon
not seen when guys walk with female friends”1.
What does it possibly
have to do with electrophoretic mobility??? Well, think about it. That same
effect is pretty much what you can see in a classic EMSA (Electrophoretic
Mobility Shift Assay), when a rather physical non-loving kind of interaction
between nucleic acids and proteins is observed.
Well known is the relationship
between electrophoretic mobility and size: bigger molecules have slower
mobility than small ones. In the case of men, much of what determines walking
speed is height: the longer your legs are, the faster you're likely to walk — a
fact that means men, on average, have a higher optimal speed than women do.
But the interesting
thing is that researchers discovered that when a lovely-dovey couple walked
together, the man slowed his pace to match his female’s optimal speed. In the
same way, when nucleic acids interact with proteins, they slow down in an
electrophoretic run compared to unbound nucleic acids. So you can say that we
ladies are to proteins as men are to nucleic acids!
In 1981, while the
world’s eyes where on Lady Di marrying prince Charles and Olivia Newton John’s
hit ‘Physical’ was all over, a great technique to measure DNA-protein
interactions, named EMSA, was published by two independent groups.
The research on
protein-DNA interactions began in the early 1960s, when analyzing the binding
of Lac and phage λ repressors to DNA. Back then, these complexes could be
analyzed by a technique that arose from the discovery that certain membrane
filters will retain DNA-protein complexes, but not free DNA2. So, by
quantifying the retention of radiolabeled DNA fragments mixed with varying
amounts of a protein of interest, it became possible to determine the
stoichiometry and binding affinity of a protein for a given sequence. Anyway,
filter binding remained impractical for the characterization of less stable
complexes and non-DNA-protein complexes.
At the very beginning
of the 1980s, Arnold Revzin and Mark Garner, at Michigan State University, knew
of a study that showed that the ternary transcription elongation complex—DNA
bound to RNA polymerase with a nascent RNA chain—was sufficiently stable for
visualization by gel electrophoresis3. Combining purified protein
with DNA restriction fragments containing appropriate binding sites and then
running the mixture on a polyacrylamide gel, Revzin and Garner observed an
amazing result: protein-DNA complexes forming distinctly ‘shifted’ higher
molecular weight bands on the gels. Thus was born the electrophoretic mobility
shift assay (EMSA)4.
But they were not the
only one working on it. Michael Fried and Donald Crothers at Yale also had
developed their version of EMSA. Initially, Fried had speculated that only free
DNA would be amenable to electrophoresis, and that DNA-protein binding could be
quantified by determining how much DNA did not enter the gel, a very
interesting thought by the way. But what they saw instead was a variety of
shifted bands that appeared to correlate with the number of repressor molecules
bound to each DNA fragment. (That’s when Crothers said to Michael “forget what
you’re doing-follow this up!”). Their paper also offered some important
extensions of Garner and Revzin’s assay, using radioactive labeling rather than
ethidium bromide staining to detect shifted bands, and demonstrating he
capabilities of EMSA as a means for measuring the relative binding constants
and stoichiometry of protein-DNA interactions5.
Despite its
popularity and application depth, EMSA is typically limited to semiquantitative
interaction analysis.
Nowadays, MicroScale Thermophoresis (MST) appears a solution-based method with
high sensitivity that provides reliable quantitative information on molecular
interactions such as protein-nucleic acids, based on a simple protocol, making
measurements very fast and efficient with low sample consumption. This technique
relies on binding-induced changes in thermophoretic mobility, which depends on
several molecular properties, including not only size, but also charge and
solvation entropy6.
Science and
lab techniques evolve, it can go from electrophoresis to MicroScale thermophoresis,
but parallels among human behaviour and molecules will continue to impress me.
1. Wagnild J. and Wall-Scheffler CM
(2013). PLoS One 8(10): e76576.
2. Jones, G.W. and Berg, P. J. (1966). Mol.
Biol. 22, 199–209.
3. Chelm, B.K.and Geiduschek, E.P. (1979).
Nucleic Acids Res. 7, 1851–1867.
4. Garner, M.M. and Revzin, A. (1981). Nucleic
Acids Res. 9, 3047–3060.
5. Fried, M. and Crothers, D.M. (1981).
Nucleic Acids Res. 9, 6505–6525.
6. Seidel SAI, Dijkman PM, Lea WA, et
al. (2013). Methods. 59(3): 301-315.